May 2018 issue of Maritime Reporter and Engineering News

Feature: Marine Propulsion Edition
Technical: Fuels, Lubricants & Additives
Product: Navigation: Marine Electronics, Radar & ECDIS
- MarTID: The Global Survey of Maritime Training Practices Debuts Page: 66
Scrapping Risks Page: 12
Skentelbery Drives Grand Bahama Shipyard Page: 54
Interview: Kitack Lim, Secretary-General, IMO Page: 34
Riding Shipping's Digital Wave Page: 16
LNG is the Bridge to ‘Zero Emissions’ Shipping Page: 30
Interview: Darren Larkins - CEO, SSI Page: 18
German Shipowners Get Back to Basics Page: 26
Ship Tech: U.S. Coast Guard R&D Center Page: 12
Cranes, Heavy Lift Shipping, Engineering and New Technologies Page: 14
Interview: Volvo Penta's Ron Huibers Page: 24
New Maritime Fuel Rules: Scrubber Solutions Page: 42
Kouroumplis: Greece Continues to Pace the Global Shipping Sector Page: 46
Fuels, Lubricants & Green Marine Page: 60