June 2015 issue of Maritime Reporter and Engineering News

Feature: Annual World Yearbook
Technical: Dredging: Deepening the Channels of Trade
Product: Pumps, Valves, Pipes & Insulation
- Van Oord Develops Deep Excavation System Page: 8
Driving Innovation: the Unmanned FLNG Page: 10
Marine Casualty Reporting: Addressing the Coast Guard's Processes Page: 16
Ship Design: Survivability Measures to Quantify Combat Capability Page: 18
Combatting Maritime Cyber Security Threats Page: 22
Global Maritime Trends: U.S. Shipbuilding Will be Vibrant for a Generation Page: 28
Oil’s Downward Spiral Stalls LNG’s Ascent Page: 34
'Corporate Ocean Responsibility' Page: 46
More than Mega: Diversity Defines the Dredging Industry Page: 50
Offshore Renewables: The Future is Now Page: 54
A chat with John Murray, Chief Executive, Society of Maritime Industries Page: 56
- UK Seeks Maritime Dominance of Yore Page: 58
- Maritime Ireland Comes of Age Page: 60