July 2013 issue of Maritime Reporter and Engineering News

Feature: Maritime Security Edition
Technical: Oil Spill Response & Recovery
Product: Marine HVAC, Insulation & Piping
Inspired Youth Page: 8
Powering Ahead Cleanly Page: 14
Are our Ports Safe? Page: 16
LNG Fueled Vessels Page: 18
Eliminating Waste Water Discharge Page: 20
Shipping Registries and Piracy Response Page: 24
- IRS to Leverage R&D for a New Dynamic Role Page: 28
- Brazil Class Page: 30
Asia Pacific Spill Response OSRL Increases Capabilities Page: 34
Heinen & Hopman Complete HVAC Project Page: 36
Challenger Marine Condensing Unit Page: 36
Flexlife Completes Field Trial for Chevron Page: 36
- CMA CGM Marco Polo Fitted with Marinestar Page: 36
Maintenance-free Gyro Compass Page: 37