June 2013 issue of Maritime Reporter and Engineering News

Feature: Annual World Yearbook
Technical: Integrated Bridge-Navigation & Radar
Product: Ship Repair- Tools & Techniques
“Lies, Damned Lies & Statistics” Page: 6
- Maersk Rate Hikes Hitting the High Notes Page: 8
- Does Svitzer Dominate the Indian Salvage Scene? Page: 8
- What You Need to Know to Operate Offshore Brazil Page: 10
Why TWIC? Page: 14
- Cargo Morphs in New Directions Page: 16
Annual Economic Sanctions Update Page: 18
- Infrastructure for Alaska’s LNG and Other Resources Page: 22
Non-Tankers Next on OPA 90 List Page: 26
Sail Safe BC Ferries’ Safety Initiative Page: 30
Simulation Trends of Tomorrow Page: 32
Economic Impacts of STCW 2010 Page: 34
- Breaking Down The Cost of MARPOL Page: 36
The Year in Review Page: 40
Dr. Shashi Kumar Page: 44
Boxed In Page: 46
Contamination Controlled Page: 48
If in Doubt, Ask the Doctor: Is it Time to Buy? Page: 52
Finnish Shipbuilding and Arctic Operations Page: 54
German Shipbuilding Prospects are Fair & Partly Cloudy Page: 58
Hull Medic: Keep Coats Efficient Page: 72
Diesel-Electric Units Prepared for Navy’s AGOR Project Page: 73
Integrated Bridge Shaping the Future Page: 74
Irving Plans for the Future Page: 55