November 2012 issue of Maritime Reporter and Engineering News

Feature: Workboat Annual
Technical: Workboat Academy: Training & Education
From 85 hp to Infinity Page: 211
BWMS Looms Large Page: 211
Trash Talk Page: 211
The Weakest Link Page: 211
Underwriting Workboats Page: 211
New Fuels, New Rules & New Tools Page: 211
Lessons Learned From the North American ECA Page: 211
Containership Design Page: 211
Floating Production Page: 211
OSV Tech Today Page: 211
Cool Under Pressure in Harsh Environs Page: 211
OSC Page: 211
MetalCraft Marine Page: 211
- Bollinger Means Business Page: 211
A Boxed Set In Denmark Mine Warfare Capability Comes as a Boxed Set Page: 211
Navy Tech in Paris Navy Technolgy Takes Center Stage Page: 211
Participants at workshop make multiple radar contacts Page: 211
Maritime Mentoring Page: 211
- Local Content Page: 211
- Maritime Training: A Challenging Course Page: 211
Proposed 2013 VGP Links Enviro Stewardship to Long-Term Growth Page: 211
Klüber Lubrication Page: 211
Lube Oil: Less Can be More Page: 211
Engineering a New Path Page: 211
Using the Right Tool Can $ave Page: 211
Voith Vessel Propulsion Control System Page: 211
Lilaas: High Design in Vessel Control Page: 211
BCG Upgrades Virtual GMDSS Simulator Page: 150