Marine Link
Tuesday, March 25, 2025



NEW YORK'S greatness is primarily founded upon the advantages and activities of its port and harbor. From the early history of the city, under the Dutch settlers, the maritime interests of the city have been paramount. Ships were built in New York Harbor three centuries ago, and the industries connected with the building and equipment of vessels have been continuously carried on,, in enlarging volume, ever since that time.

There are in all of these industries firms which have, earned their way to especial prominence by unique mastery of their particular line of work. These firms have been especially prosperous dur-ing the past few years, when the expansion of shipping interests has gone on at a rate never equalled before, here or elsewhere, in the history of ship- ping.

One of the lines of productive work in which there has been especial activity is that represented by the well known Brooklyn firm of Yule & Munro, of 9 Summit Street, in that Borough, who have long been actively and successfully engaged in business as shipwrights.

The firm executes contracts and orders for all kinds of ship carpentry and joiner work, the put-ting in of bulkheads and partitions, of bunks, bins and all kinds of woodwork to adapt vessels to the particular class of work they are intended to do— from the rough and temporary jobs up to the finest work in doors, panels and fine joiner work in cabins, saloons and staterooms.

The excellence of the work turned out from the shops of Yule & Munro has earned for the firm the patronage of leading shipowners and agents, with the result that the firm is constantly kept busy with the various branches of shipwright work on all kinds of ocean-going and coastwise steamers and sailing vessels of all kinds.

During the war there was an especially large call for the services of expert shipwrights. Many vessels which had been engaged in other service were converted into transports for troops, whilst other vessels which had been passenger carriers were transformed into cargo vessels. All of these transformations made an opening for extensive changes in the interior arrangements of vessels and the putting in of some and taking out of other woodwork. All of this work, done at high pressure in preparation for our part in the war, gave a great impetus to the shipwright business,

Meanwhile the shipyards of the country were engaged in the most strenuous shipbuilding cam-paign in the history of the world. When hostilities closed on the battlefields the rush of importing and exporting activities and the many changes in routes used and cargoes carried have resulted in a continuance of great activity in the operations of the shipwrights of the port. Moreover, many of the vessels, whose interior arrangements had been changed on account of war, had to be reconverted in order to meet the conditions of peace. Many vessels which had been transports for the war period were refitted for the freight or passenger service in which they had been originally engaged.

Therefore the shipwright business has been called upon for a constantly increasing volume of work, and its activity is one of the most conclusive indications of the new era in shipping which is making the United States a foremost factor in international trade and has made the United States flag, once more, a familiar figure in the ports of all the seas.

Yule & Munro, giving to their business the benefit of years of active experience in the ship-wright business, have been leading participants in the development of that branch of industry. Em-ploying a large force of the most skillful mechanics, and utilizing every advantage of superior equipment and effective management, the firm has advanced to a high place in the industry.

Mr. John Munro, the present head of the firm, has had a long and active career in the business, and his personal and careful supervision has been a prime factor in the promotion of the success and popularity of the firm in the maritime circles of Greater New York. No firm is better prepared to give prompt response to the demands of shipown-ers and steamship agents for shipwright work, to do it more skillfully or finish it more promptly.

The firm includes among its regular clients many of the most important steamship lines and individual shipowners of the port.

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