Marine Link
Thursday, September 26, 2024



A MONG the lessons taught by the world war r in connection with maritime affairs none stands out more boldly than the great importance of preventive safety appliances and equipment, and there probably is no century in history when the need for such equipment has had more examples of experience than have been condensed into the last five years. Even without a war to increase the terrors of the sea with mines and submarines, there are disasters enough in the ordinary course of navigating experience to warn every vessel to supply itself with life boats and life rafts in number and quality adequate and sufficient to safeguard the lives of all on board in case of disaster.

In supplying the need that constantly exists for life boats and life saving equipment, an important enterprise is that of the Neptune Boat Works, builders of life boats and rafts, on King and Dwight Streets, Brooklyn. The business was established in September, 1916, by Clement Hansen, who is an experienced boat builder, and had in other connections thoroughly learned the business of life boat building and brought to his enterprise the advantage of special knowledge of life boat construction, which has enabled him to turn out boats of superior design and strength, which have met with wide favor in the maritime world.

The results that have been attained by the Nep-tune Boat Works in the perfecting of life boats, life rafts, and their equipment, have been secured by a strong combination of expert effort and ex-periment, and have been most valuable in adding to the safety and security of life at sea. The rec-ognition of the superior quality of the work done along this line by the Neptune Boat Works is demonstrated by the fact that they have been largely supplied to the Emergency Fleet Corpora-tion, have the high approval of the National Board of Underwriters, have been numerously supplied to the vessels built by the Foundation Company, furnished largely to army transports, to vessels at the shipyards in Chester, Pa., and to the vessels belonging to the Standard Oil Company's fleets.

There was a reorganization of the Neptune

Boat Works on August 1, 1919, Mr. Hansen, of the old firm, being joined by Mr. Williams, and both of these gentlemen give to the business the benefit of experience, personal supervision, with enlarged facilities to meet the increasing demands that come from representative shipping firms and corporations in supplying their needs in life boat equipment, which conform to the highest require-ments for the safety and service of crews and pas-sengers.

The Neptune Boat Works in Brooklyn are equipped with every modern appliance and facility for the prosecution of the business, giving em-ployment to the most skillful mechanics with a special knowledge of the boat building trade, and the firm is constantly engaged in the manufacture of life boats, life rafts, motor life boats and equipment for the same, and every feature of their manufacturing operations is carefully supervised, from the selection of the best and strongest mate-rials and the most skillful and careful workmanship, so that the boats turned out from the works are at all times fitted for the severe and trying ordeals of use in the stormiest weather. The boats and rafts turned out by the firm are thoroughly dependable, and the excellence of their workmanship and finish has so thoroughly impressed the ship owners of the country that many of the leading lines are being equipped with Neptune boats and rafts. The business of the Neptune Boat Works has steadily grown from its inception, and the firm has become one of the recognized leaders in this very important department of protective maritime work.

The quality of Neptune life boats and rafts has passed the realm of experiment for their efficiency, reliability and sturdy life saving qualities have been thoroughly tested in actual use in numerous emergencies, the boats at all times coming up to the highest standard of anticipation and proving themselves to be of the most reliable construction, staunch and true in every respect. The Neptune Boat Works have attained the success of their product by the closest personal supervision of the business. Their endeavors have not only promoted safety in the midst of distress at sea, but have brought them personal success.

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