Marine Link
Thursday, September 26, 2024

Joseph Corcos



I .5 fortunate, in connection with the rapid development of the foreign trade relations of trie L nited States, that its enterprises engaged in the shipping and foreign trade are to a large extent headed by men who have had extended experience in that business.

One of the most prominent of these is Joseph Corcos, organizer and president of The British and North American Export and Import Corpora- don. Air. Corcos has been for many years identified with these lines of business, establishing a reputation which is of the highest and which may be well described by the fact that those doing business with him have acquired the habit of speaking of him as "Honest Joe."

Mr. Corcos was born December 21, 1872, was educated in England and Spain, and speaks four languages, a fact which is of no little advantage to him in transacting his large foreign business. Mr. Corcos is an American citizen and has resided in New York since 897. From the time of his arrival in New York until he formed his own romp any he was employed by Park, Benziger 6 Company, an organisation which has connections throughout the world, and he held power of attorney for that company.

In 1915 he organized the Joseph Corcos Com-pany, to do a shipping business and to engage in general export and import trade. Recently it has been changed to the British and North American Export and Import Corporation (capital, 5150,000). This company does business with the markets of England, Australia, New Zealand,

South Africa and the West Indies, sending out manufactured goods and general merchandise and bringing back sugar, coffee, and hides.

After having established the Corcos Company, Mr. Corcos organized the British American Ship-ping Company, Inc., to direct its attention espe-cially to the chartering of ships and the exporting of coal and coke to South and Central America and the West Indies. It supplies some of the largest coal depots in the world, and has already

obtained recognition as one of the leading com-panies in this special field. In addition to this trade in coal and coke the British American Shipping Company, Inc., has shipped abroad many American products and has brought back many cargoes of sugar, coffee, ginger and other spices, hides, skins, and other varied products of the West Indies.

The personal attention which Mr. Corcos gives to his business, and the efficient service he is pre-pared to render to those desiring to use overseas transportation, have brought to him the business of many prominent houses, for whom his companies take care of all the detail and government formalities connected with shipments.

Mr. Corcos is personally very popular, and his success is founded upon the continuous probity of his character and the reliable and honorable dealings which characterize all his trade relations. He has built up the business on the basis of a close personal attention to its management and a constant endeavor to render faithful service to those dealing with the company of which he is head.

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