James Henrey Clark
Of the harbor activities at New York a very -irge and important share is that connected with the railroad lines that center tn s city. Ail of the larger trunk line companies be.ng the possessors of tugs, barges, lighters and " . R crart connected with the transfer of cars and cargoes from one part of the harbor to the other.
<Jne of the most important of these lines is the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, which has a large floating equipment in the harbor here, and of this floating equipment James Henry Clark has been in active charge for the past twenty-six years. More recently his duties in that connection have been combined with those of general superintendent of the Staten Island Rapid Transit Railroad, and is also assistant general superintendent of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, in charge of its New York terminals.
James Henry Clark was born in Smithtown, Long Island, June 22, 1$64, the son of John and Mary (Phalon) Clark. He was educated in the public schools and in the Cooper Institute of New York City, and he began his business career as apprentice with the New York Iron Works and Engine Builders. He became a thor- oughly competent machinist and engineer and earlv entered railway service, being for four years chief engineer of ferries with the West Shore Railroad, from 1884 to 1888. Since October, he has been continuously with the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad and the Staten Island Rapid Transit Railroad, and in 1893 was placed in charge of the floating equipment of the Baltimore & Ohio system in New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Fail-port, Ohio, which has been built up to greater increased proportions and importance under his most able supervision. Besides its floating equipment, facilities for distribution of cars and freights to the various parts of New York Harbor, the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad has large terminal yards on Staten Island, and also controls the Staten Island Rapid Transit Railroad, which covers the island and holds
a most important place in the transportation situation of Richmond Borough.
In 1915, the management of the terminals and the Staten Island Rapid Transit Railroad was placed in the hands of Mr. Clark, whose thorough knowledge of these branches as well as of the matter of harbor transportation for the Baltimore & Ohio has given a very high degree of efficiency to his service in the management of terminal affairs and of floating equipment at the New York end of the line.
Mr. Clark is a member of the Engineers' Club of New York, the New York Railroad Club, the Railroad Club of New York, the Railway Signal Association, the Master Mechanic Association and the National Board of Steam Navigation. He is also a member of the Baltimore Yacht Club, Baltimore Country Club, Baltimore Athletic Club and Merchants' Club; the Catholic Club of New York City, the Democratic Club, the Traffic Club of New York, the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, the Staten Island Club, and of various other social organizations.