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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

VT Halter Marine, Inc.

VT Halter Marine, Inc. is a prominent shipbuilding company based in Pascagoula, Mississippi. The company specializes in the design, construction, and repair of a wide range of vessels, including commercial ships, military vessels, and specialized marine craft. Here are some key aspects about VT Halter Marine:

History and Background

  • Origins: The company was founded as a result of the merger and acquisition of several smaller shipyards and has a history stretching back several decades.
  • Ownership: VT Halter Marine is a subsidiary of Vision Technologies Systems (VT Systems), which is in turn part of ST Engineering, a global engineering group based in Singapore.

Core Services

  • Shipbuilding: The company's primary focus is on building new ships. This includes everything from commercial carriers like cargo ships and tankers to military vessels such as patrol boats and auxiliary support ships.
  • Repair and Maintenance: VT Halter Marine also provides ship repair and maintenance services, serving both commercial and government clients.
  • Design and Engineering: They offer comprehensive design and engineering services to customize ships according to client specifications.

Facilities and Capabilities

  • Yards: The company operates multiple shipyard facilities in Mississippi, equipped with modern technologies and infrastructure to handle complex shipbuilding projects.
  • Workforce: The company employs a skilled workforce of engineers, designers, and craftsmen.
  • Technological Edge: VT Halter Marine utilizes advanced shipbuilding technologies, including computer-aided design (CAD) systems and modular construction techniques.

Market and Clients

  • Commercial Market: The firm builds various types of commercial vessels, including liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers, offshore supply vessels, and other specialized ships.
  • Military Market: VT Halter Marine is also a contractor for the United States Navy and Coast Guard, providing various types of military craft.
  • International Clients: In addition to domestic projects, the company serves a variety of international clients.

Notable Projects and Achievements

  • Defense Contracts: VT Halter Marine has been awarded several significant contracts from the U.S. Department of Defense, including projects to build Polar Security Cutters (icebreakers) for the U.S. Coast Guard.
  • Commercial Ventures: The company has constructed various offshore and subsea vessels that serve the energy and oil industries.

Strategic Direction

  • Innovation: VT Halter Marine places a strong emphasis on innovation and continuous improvement in shipbuilding practices.
  • Sustainability: The company also focuses on sustainable practices and solutions, recognizing the growing importance of environmental stewardship in the maritime industry.

Challenges and Opportunities

  • Economic Factors: Like many shipbuilders, VT Halter Marine faces challenges related to economic fluctuations, including changes in defense budgets and variations in demand for commercial shipping.
  • Technological Advances: The company is continually adapting to technological advancements in shipbuilding, including automation and the use of new materials.

Overall, VT Halter Marine, Inc. is a key player in the American shipbuilding industry with a robust portfolio and a commitment to quality, innovation, and client satisfaction.


Pascagoula USA
900 Bayou Casotte Parkway
Pascagoula, MS, 39581

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