New Maritime Simulator aims to Open Access

VSTEP launched its latest maritime simulator -- NAUTIS Home -- for maritime professionals, students or enthusiasts, effectively aiming to make ship simulation available on a larger scale.“Simulation-based training is essential when it comes to improving the safety, efficiency and sustainability of the maritime industry,” said Fabian van den Berg, CEO, VSTEP. The maritime industry is evolving constantly, powering innovation but simultaneously bringing new challenges to the surface.
Maritime Training: Non-Traditional Maritime Simulation

Our COVID-19 maritime world continues to change as our perspectives on education and training with the availability of online learning and conferencing, an increased use of webinars, and the use of simulation technology must evolve if we are to be able to continue to train and maintain skill sets as we navigate the current and predicted restrictions on movement. Changes made now may eventually become…
Bulgarian Naval Academy Acquires VSTEP Simulators
On the 6th of August 2016, the official opening ceremony for The Centre for Integrated Management and Monitoring of the Coastal Zone was inaugurated by Mr. Boyko Borisov…
VSTEP GMDSS Simulators DNV-GL Certified

Maritime simulator developer VSTEP said it has received DNV-GL accreditation for its recently introduced GMDSS Simulators. This certification is the latest addition to VSTEP’s range of DNV-GL certified NAUTIS maritime simulators as its GMDSS, Dynamic Positioning, Tug and Class A FMB simulators are now all fully DNV-GL certified for training in accordance with STCW and IMO requirements. The new NAUTIS GMDSS Simulators by VSTEP come in two possible setups…
Dual Accreditation for VSTEP DP Simulators

In a timespan of one month, three types of VSTEP Dynamic Positioning Simulators have been officially certified and accredited by the Nautical Institute and Det Norske Veritas (DNV-GL) certification bodies. The accreditation means the new NAUTIS Dynamic Positioning simulators from VSTEP are fully certified and approved to be used for official DP training courses. The accredited Dynamic Positioning Simulators…
VSTEP Simulator for Ho Chi Minh Maritime College

A DNV Class A certified NAUTIS Full Mission Bridge Simulator was delivered and installed by VSTEP at the Ho Chi Minh City Maritime Vocational College in Vietnam. The simulator delivered is a NAUTIS Class A Full Mission Bridge simulator with a 270° field of view through projection. A NAUTIS Instructor Station was also installed. The Maritime Vocational College is a higher education institution in Ho Chi Minh City.
Avante Expands VSTEP Simulator

Following the installation of a VSTEP desktop trainer classroom last year, the Avante Escuela de la Marina Mercante in Colombia has now purchased a Class A Full Mission Bridge Simulator to further expand its simulator training capacity. The follow-up order for an additional VSTEP NAUTIS Class A Full Mission Bridge simulator was placed following the delivery of a desktop trainer classroom at the Avante…
VSTEP Achieves ISO 9001:2008 Certification
VSTEP, global supplier of simulator solutions for commercial, government and military customers in the maritime and public safety and security sectors, has been…
Bulgarian Naval Academy Installs VSTEP Simulators

The Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy in Varna purchased a 360° Class A Full Mission Bridge simulator and an Incident Management Simulator for training of its Naval and Merchant marine students. The simulators were officially opened by the IMO Secretary-General Koji Sekimizu and the Dutch Ambassador in Bulgaria Tom van Oorschot during a ceremony at the academy on September 14. The ceremony was attended by high ranking officials from the Bulgarian and Romanian Navy…
VSTEP Delivers FMB Simulator to Danaos

Danaos Corporation purchased a NAUTIS DNV Class A FMB Simulator and Instructor Station for training of its fleet members. The simulator will be delivered and installed by VSTEP at Danaos Shipping Co Ltd. Headquarters in Piraeus, Greece. The simulator purchased by Danaos Corporation included a NAUTIS DNV Class A FMB simulator with 240° horizontal field of view and an Instructor Station. It will be used to train navigation and maneuvering with the container vessels of the Danaos fleet.
VSTEP Wins Mexican Navy Simulator Contract

The Mexican Navy selected VSTEP to supply a Class A NAUTIS Full Mission Bridge (FMB) Simulator and 24 NAUTIS desktop trainer stations for the Naval Academy in Veracruz. The simulators will be installed at the new simulator training wing of the Heroica Escuela Naval Militar set to open in Q4 2014. The Heroica Escuela Naval Militar is the school where future officers are trained for the General Corps of the Mexican Navy.
VSTEP Simulators Power New Tug & OSV Training Center

During a ceremony on June 3, the new 360-Control Tug & OSV Training Center was officially opened for the general public and customers. The simulators for the training center are delivered and installed by VSTEP. The high-tech training center is a project of 360-Control, a joint venture between Iskes Towage & Salvage and Damen Shipyards and is located at the port entrance of the Amsterdam North sea canal.
VSTEP to Install Simulators for FIDENA Schools
VSTEP won a contract to install FMB and Tug simulators at all three FIDENA Maritime Schools in Mexico. The contract was won by VSTEP and its Mexican partner Edutelsa…
VSTEP Appoint New Head of Sales
International developer of simulators and virtual training software, Rotterdam-based VSTEP, says it has appointed Joost van Ree as head of sales with responsibility…
Indonesian Navy Selects VSTEP Bridge Simulators

For training of its Sigma Class Corvette bridge personnel, the Indonesian Navy and Ministry of Defense selected VSTEP to supply two Class A NAUTIS Full Mission Bridge (FMB) Simulators for its Kobangdikal marine training facility in Surabaya. The Indonesian Navy is currently modernizing its fleet to more effectively combat maritime crime and piracy. Beginning 2012, the Indonesian Navy added several Sigma Class Corvettes to its active fleet.
CMI Orders VSTEP Simulators
The Caribbean Maritime Institute has ordered multiple VSTEP simulators for its new high tech simulation center at the campus in Kingston, Jamaica. VSTEP will deliver…
ECDIS Ltd. Unveils Vstep Nautis Bridge Simulator
ECDIS Ltd unveil Vstep Nautis Full Mission Bridge Simulator primarily for Bridge Team training but fitted with 4 ECDIS systems. UK based ECDIS training and consultancy…

UK based ECDIS training and consultancy company ECDIS Ltd unveiled a VSTEP NAUTIS full mission bridge simulator with a 315° viewing capability. It is to primarily be used for Bridge Team training but has been fitted with 4 different ECDIS systems all integrated with the NAUTIS software. The Simulator was opened last month by MP George Hollingbery in Southampton. The Bridge Simulator is to accompany…
VSTEP delivers NAUTIS Tug Trainer Simulator

VSTEP delivered a NAUTIS Tug Trainer Simulator at T.O.S (Transport & Offshore Services) headquarters in Rotterdam. T.O.S. selected the NAUTIS Tug Trainer for its new ASD Training Program service. The NAUTIS Tug Trainer is a new generation of DNV certified Tug Handling Simulators, catering to the full range of maritime training goals in compliance with the latest STCW & IMO requirements. The NAUTIS Tug simulator range includes affordable…
VSTEP Delives Crane Simulator in Rotterdam

VSTEP delivers crane simulator for EMO, the largest transshipment terminal for coal and iron ore in Western Europe. For EMO, the largest transshipment terminal for coal and iron ore in Western Europe, VSTEP created a crane simulator for preparation and training of their future and current EMO dry bulk crane operators, increasing their effectiveness and precision. EMO is one of the leading companies in the dry bulk market.
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