Uni-Tankers News
UNI-TANKERS' Fleet Transition to Marlink's Hybrid Network Complete

Maritime satellite communications company Marlink has completed the migration of UNI-TANKERS’ owned fleet to its global hybrid network solution.The Danish shipping company UNI-TANKERS selected Marlink as an expert partner to support its digital transformation, combining hybrid high-throughput connectivity with cloud-data access, remote IT support, and proactive cyber security to improve performance and operational safety.
Uni-Tankers Begins VDR Upgrade Program

Danish shipping company Uni-Tankers is upgrade aging and obsolete voyage data recorders (VDR) on more than 10 of its vessels. Some of the VDRs are 10 or more years old and are nearing the end of their service life.Uni-Tankers has chosen Danelec Marine to implement an upgrade program ensuring that it ships are equipped with the latest VDR technology, which will also help boost efficiency and the proactive use of ships’ data.A required piece of equipment on large vessels…