ENERGY INSIGHT: Whatever the Weather, Propane Keeps Ports Moving

How propane offers unmatched reliability and resiliency when severe weather strikesPorts are critical hubs for global trade and shipping logistics, and they can’t afford to slow down due to extreme weather events. Especially in the Northern U.S., winter storms bring extreme freezing temperatures that can quickly create issues for any diesel or electric engines powering port equipment. Meanwhile, ports…
PERC Pushes for Propane Adoption in Material Handling Applications

In celebration of Clean Energy Month, the Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) has highlighted propane’s role as a clean energy source for material handling applications.Propane produces 52% fewer greenhouse gas emissions than an equivalent amount of U.S. grid electricity, making it a more environmentally friendly choice, according to PERC.Propane is a clean-burning fuel that emits fewer greenhouse…
Second LPG Dual-Fuel VLGC for Astomos Named Lantana Planet

On September 16, a naming ceremony was held at Sakaide Works of Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd. for a new VLGC (very large gas carrier) that NYK will charter to Astomos Energy Corporation, the world's pre-eminent liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) company.At the ceremony, the ship was named Lantana Planet by Mitsuru Yamanaka, executive vice president of Astomos Energy Corporation, and the ceremonial rope holding the vessel in place was cut by his wife.