OSIL Vibrocorer Plays Role in £600M River Thames Flood Defense Scheme
The OSIL Vibrocorer has been in use on the early works for the River Thames Scheme, a £600 million project to develop two new flood channel sections for the River Thames.The River Thames Scheme aims to reduce the risk of flooding for approximately 15,000 homes and businesses along the River Thames involving a series of measures, including new flood walls and embankments, improvements to existing flood defenses…
OSIL Launch New Data To Web System
The Falcon (standalone), and Falconet (integrated) Data to Web system provides a low-cost and flexible solution to transmit, store, host and present data from all common sensors to a dedicated website in real time. The new system can communicate using GPRS, GSM, radio or satellite, can be coupled to almost any sensor, and can be retrofitted to existing platforms. Data is presented on a dedicated website with a password access…
OSIL Uses Sontek ADCP
Ocean Scientific International Limited (OSIL) has designed a system for testing deployments by surrounding SonTek’s Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) with its own deployment frame. The ADCP is a 3-axis water current profiler with an intended range of 180 m that uses transducers and electronics designed to reduce side-lobe interference problems. The frame also contains a double failsafe recovery system using two Sonardyne acoustic releases per frame.