National Response Corporation Acquires Boom-Tech

National Response Corporation has acquired Boom Technology, Inc. (Boom-Tech), of Gorham, Maine effective Monday, November 7, 2016. Boom-Tech has been a contractor to NRC for many years, providing support for a variety of environmental, industrial, and marine projects as well as large-scale responses as a member of NRC’s Independent Contractor Network (ICN). Boom-Tech was founded in 2001 by Jim and Paula Fox, collectively they have more than 75 years of experience in the environmental industry.
National Response Corporation Acquires Emerald Alaska
National Response Corporation (NRC), a portfolio company of J.F. Lehman & Company, announced today the completion of the acquisition of Emerald Alaska, LLC from Emerald Services, Inc.
National Response Corporation Acquires RK Contractors
National Response Corporation (NRC) announced today the completion of the purchase of RK Contractors (RK) through an asset deal. NRC is a commercial provider of…