MODEC International
MODEC International News
First Topside Modules Ship for Miamte MV34 FPSO

The first batch of topside modules has been shipped for a floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) unit for Japan's MODEC, U.S.-based engineering and construction firm McDermott International said on Wednesday.The FPSO, named Miamte MV34, will be used on the Amoca and Mizton fields located in the Eni-operated Area 1 block, in the Campeche Bay approximately 10 kilometers off the coast of Mexico, in approximately 32 meters water depth.
Japanese Firms in Brazilian FPSO Gig
Japanese companies have decided to proceed with the deepwater floating production, storage, and offloading system (FPSO) charter project for the Petrobras-operated…
MODEC Raises $1bln Bond for FPSO Project
Japanese FPSO provider MODEC has decided to issue project bonds to international investors to refinance a floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel…
MODEC Unveils New FPSO Designs

Japanese floating production specialist MODEC has developed a pair of next generation new build hull designs for floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessels developed in partnership with Mitsui E&S Shipbuilding, targeting greater production and storage capacity.As a result of increases in required crude oil and gas production capacities, FPSO topsides have become bigger and heavier,…
Modec Signs LOI for FPSO with Petrobras
MODEC Inc. received a letter of intent (LOI) from Petróleo Brasileiro for the supply, charter, and operations of a Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO)…
MOL, Mitsui Join in Modec FPSO Project
Mitsui O.S.K. Lines and Mitsui & Co have participated in a long-term charter business operated by MODEC for the purpose of providing a floating production, storage…
MODEC Secures FPSO FEED Contract
MODEC, Inc. subsidiary MODEC International Inc. has been awarded a contract by ConocoPhillips Australia, as operator of the Barossa joint venture, for the Front…