Methanol Institute
Methanol Institute News
Methanol Institute Granted Consultative Status at IMO

The Methanol Institute (MI) has been granted consultative status by the IMO.Consultative status is reserved for non-governmental, international organizations that have the capability to make a substantial contribution to the work of IMO. MI will now be able to attend meetings as an observer and offer expert input on discussions in plenary and working groups.MI aims to use its consultative status to…
Methanol Institute Appoints Alexander Döll as COO

The Methanol Institute (MI) has appointed Alexander Döll as its new Chief Operating Officer, effective immediately.He will take on his global position from MI’s Brussels office, with his onboarding commencing in Washington DC. Döll will draw on his extensive background experience in the chemical industry and the energy transition, having previously held leadership positions at OCI Global, Dow and Hill & Knowlton.Originally from the Netherlands…
Methanol Institute and SEA-LNG Unite Against EU Trade Barriers

The Methanol Institute (MI) and SEA-LNG, key representatives of the methanol and LNG industries respectively, have expressed their deep concerns following the recent announcement by the European Commission impacting the trade of biomethane and biomethane-based biofuels such as biomethanol.The Commission has noted the intention to exclude the automatic certification of biomethane and biomethanol-based…
Nanyang Technological University Brings Methanol Power to Singapore

The Methanol Institute (MI) is backing a project at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) of Singapore which will be the first evaluation of Methanol as a marine fuel in Asia.The project consists of two phases, with the first consisting of desktop and bench-testing the Methanol-powered engine employed in the GreenPilot evaluation program in Gothenburg, Sweden. In the second phase, the engine will…