Intercon News
Bollinger Delivers ATB to Crowley

Crowley Fuels took delivery Tuesday of its new Alaska Class 100,000-barrel, articulated tug-barge (ATB), which will be used to transport petroleum products for the Alaska market, from Bollinger Shipyards.Crowley will operate the 483-foot ATB for Alaska-based Petro Star Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Arctic Slope Regional Corporation (ASRC) under a long-term charter. Crowley Shipping’s petroleum…
The Enduring, Iconic U.S. Flag ATB Model
The view from the Bouchard Boardroom and … beyond.The roots of the now familiar and reliable articulated tug and barge (ATB) business are deep and stretch all the way back to the 1800’s.
Profile: Company Focus: Staying Connected with INTERCON
The Intercon Coupler System is designed to provide a safe and efficient solution to the problems of connecting tugs and barges in ocean and coastwise pushing operations.