Eltorque News
Eltorque Offers Failsafe Valve Control

Manufacturer of electric valve actuators Eltorque has unveiled its new ‘Safe Intelligence’ concept, a prototype line of battery-assisted failsafe valve actuators that will guarantee full functionality in the event of power or signal loss. A robust solution to round out the intelligent control offered by all Eltorque actuators, the intelligent battery solutions keep valves under control, even in an emergency.
Eltorque Debuts New Compact Actuator

Eltorque, a Norwegian supplier of electric valve control, has launched a new super-compact valve actuator. “The market has requested a compact and cost-effective actuator for small valves and in tight spaces. With the QT50, Eltorque has responded to that request by developing the smallest actuator in its class, at 2/3 of the weight and 1/3 the volume of competing products,” said Eltorque CEO Arnstein Kjesbu.
Eltorque Pushes into US Market

Eltorque, a Norwegian manufacturer of electric valve actuators, has experienced strong growth in the last few years, positioning itself as a leading supplier to the OSV and fishery segments in Europe, Asia and in part, Brazil. As the U.S. shipbuilding backlog continues to grow, so too does interest from global product, system and service providers, and Eltorque is now gearing up to expand. “Local presence will be vital for our success,” said Arnstein Kjesbu, CEO.