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UK government expects bidders to go back to offshore wind auction

Posted to Maritime Reporter on April 25, 2024

Britain has discovered the lessons of last year's unsuccessful offshore wind auction and expects bidders will make a comeback in the new round to happen in March, a. senior federal government official said on Thursday.

A broader renewable resource auction, called AR5, kept in. September stopped working to attract any quotes from overseas wind. developers, who considered the subsidies available too low to maintain. with wider cost increases in the industry.

We've found out the lessons from the AR5 round and we're. hoping that the AR6 round will be a lot more successful, Lord. Callanan, minister for energy performance and green financing, informed. Reuters on the sidelines of an energy conference in Norway.

Auctions are always a process of settlement between. companies looking for the very best industrial price and the federal government. unbiased to get the very best price for taxpayers and expense. payers, Callanan stated.

I have actually never been associated with a negotiating process where. company doesn't think they must get paid more, he included.

Still, the British federal government increased the strike price for. a contract for distinction (CfD) used to overseas wind. tasks in the 6th round to 73 pounds($ 91.70) per megawatt. hour (MWh).

A number of the tasks that weren't successful in AR5 will. quote again into AR6, Callanan stated.

Britain is already the world's second-largest overseas wind. market after China, and seeks to ramp up its capability to 50. gigawatts (GW) by 2030 from around 15 GW now, to help satisfy its. environment targets and increase energy security.

The AR6 auction round is arranged to open to applications. on March 27.