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Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

Tape United States renewable energy financial investment insufficient to meet environment goals -report.

Posted to Maritime Reporter on May 4, 2024

U.S. investment in wind and solar power plants struck record levels in 2015, however even that significant rate of expansion fell short of the level needed to satisfy the country's climate change objectives, according to an analysis released on Wednesday.

A joint report by scientists from Princeton University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Rhodium Group and the non-profit Energy Development examined U.S. development in making investments needed to attain a 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 - an objective detailed in President Joe Biden's 2022 landmark climate change law, the Inflation Reduction Act (INDIVIDUAL RETIREMENT ACCOUNT).

The findings were blended.

Big tidy energy installations for utilities are being stymied by allowing and grid affiliation delays and obstacles sourcing devices, the report said, while sales of electric automobiles are satisfying researchers' projections.

The IRA offers generous tax credits for EVs and tidy energy innovations like wind and solar farms.

Zero-emission automobiles represented 9.2% of light-duty sales last year, at the high-end of a predicted variety of 8.1% to 9.4%, according to the report. EV sales growth this year is likely to underperform last year's 50% boost, the groups stated, but will remain on track to fulfill U.S. climate goals if kept within 30% to 40%.

Zero-emissions electricity generation and storage soared 32%. last year to 32.3 gigawatts, but lagged the research groups'. designs calling for annual additions of 46 to 79 GW.

The U.S. should include 60 to 127 GW of capacity this year to remain. on track, the report stated, adding that installations are most likely. to disappoint that range.

Beyond 2024, the groups said tidy energy installations. ought to increase even additional to between 70 and 126 GW a year.