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One year after the Greek migrant boat tragedy, relatives of victims demand answers.

Posted to Maritime Reporter on June 14, 2024

Demonstrators planned to gather in Athens, Greece on Friday for a rally to mark the anniversary a shipwreck off the coast of Greece that claimed the lives of hundreds of migrants. They demanded answers regarding the cause of the tragedy and the fates of their relatives.

In Libya, 700 migrants from Pakistan and Syria were packed into a fishing boat bound for Italy. The boat capsized in the southwest of Greece on June 14, 2023 despite hours of monitoring by the Greek Coast Guard.

Only 82 bodies have been recovered. 104 people were rescued. This catastrophe, which is one of the worst Mediterranean Boat Disasters in history, has raised serious questions about the European Union's efforts to stop the migrant flow.

"I wake up with nightmares." "Even now, I swear to God, my body hurts," one Egyptian survivor named Mohamed said. "Thanks to God, we are still alive... Where are the other bodies?"

Survivors and activists planned rallies in Athens. London. Paris. In Lalamousa in Pakistan, relatives of victims prepared a ceremony to commemorate the tragedy.

Surviving passengers claim that the Coast Guard caused the capsize of the vessel when they tried to pull the vessel early in the morning. The authorities claim that the migrants' movement on the boat caused it to capsize.

One year after the tragedy, an investigation by a court of naval jurisdiction into the role played by the coast guard is still in its preliminary stages, frustrating survivors, their relatives, and human rights groups. Greece's Shipping Minister has called for patience.

Pantelis Themelis said that 74 out of 82 victims had been identified. Many more families in Africa, the Middle East and Asia sent DNA samples for testing to Greece but to no avail.

Hasan Ali from Pakistan is a resident of Athens. He said that his brother Fahad, who was missing, was one of the people still unaccounted for. Their parents in Pakistan refused to accept that their son could be dead.

Ali replied, "My father and mother are waiting for him." They say he is alive and in Greece. Reporting by KarolinaTagaris and Renee Maltezou, Editing by Edward McAllister & Kevin Liffey