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Maersk revises profit forecast upwards due to robust demand and disruptions in the Red Sea.

Posted to Maritime Reporter on May 3, 2024

© OliverFoerstner / Adobe Stock

Shipping group Maersk raised its full-year earnings guidance after reporting first-quarter incomes on Thursday, citing strong demand and higher freight rates as ships cruise for longer to avoid dispute in the Red Sea.

The business, viewed as a barometer of world trade, said that shipping disturbances brought on by Houthi militants' attacks on vessels in the Red Sea were expected to last a minimum of until completion of the year, adding that growth in demand for container shipping had been more powerful than forecast.

" The container volumes we see today are rather high compared to GDP development in the world economy," stated CEO Vincent Clerc. "At one point or another, we will see a normalisation of volumes."

Maersk and competitors have actually diverted ships around Africa since December to prevent Houthi attacks in the Red Sea, sending out freight rates greater because of the longer cruising times.

"We have actually just seen an escalation of the circumstance in the location and therefore we can see that not only Maersk however all shipping lines have adjusted their networks more or less completely," Clerc stated.

EBITDA stood at $1.59 billion in the very first three months of the year, compared with $1.46 billion anticipated by analysts in an LSEG poll, and $3.97 billion a year previously when freight rates were bolstered by a post pandemic-related increase to demand.

The company reported a third straight quarterly loss in its ocean container shipping division, primarily owing to greater expenses connected to Red Sea traffic jams and other disruptions.

Nevertheless, Clerc said Maersk would be able to push more of those expenses onto consumers, which would make its ocean department more profitable in the second quarter than the first quarter.

"Today, they are getting assistance from the Red Sea, which gives rise to stronger incomes in the second quarter," stated Mikkel Emil Hansen, analyst at Sydbank.

"But if there is an option in the Red Sea and they can once again sail through the Suez Canal, then there will be severe pressure on profits," he said.

Shares in Maersk were trading 3.2% lower at 1257 GMT as financiers still see difficulties ahead.

The business alerted in February that a wave of new container vessels going into the marketplace this year and next will cause overcapacity and hurt profit.

Clerc said on Thursday that international container shipping capacity would increase by 2-3% each quarter this year and next. Analysts at Bernstein expect a 15% fleet growth throughout 2024 and 2025, outstripping need.

Spot freight rates tripled to nearly $3,500 a container at the beginning of the year however have considering that reduced to about $2,400.

Maersk now anticipates full-year underlying incomes before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) of in between $4 billion and $6 billion this year, compared with previous assistance of between $1 billion and $6 billion.