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Greek yacht crew accused of arson on Hydra Island

Posted to Maritime Reporter on June 23, 2024

The semi-official Athens News Agency reported that a Greek prosecutor charged 13 crew of a yacht on Sunday with arson. Fireworks launched from the vessel allegedly sparked a fire in a forest on the island Hydra.

All Greeks were arrested at a marina in the Athens region on Saturday after being accused of starting a forest fire on Friday night.

The ANA news agency reported that "the crew and captain will answer the charges in front of an investigator on Wednesday."

Greek media reported that all crew members denied these charges. The Greek authorities seized the yacht that was chartered by tourists from abroad.

Open TV reported on Sunday that witnesses had testified to the fact that part of the forest was burned on the island.

Hydra is a popular destination for foreign tourists and yachters.

Early Saturday morning, firefighters put out the fire that had burned a part of the island’s pine forest. (Reporting and editing by Angus MacSwan; Lefteris papadimas)