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Denmark aims to reduce shadow tanker fleet that carries Russian oil

Posted to Maritime Reporter on June 17, 2024

The Danish foreign minister revealed on Monday that the country is looking at ways to stop a shadow fleet of oil tankers from transporting Russian oil across the Baltic Sea. This could increase tensions with Moscow.

Any attempt to stop oil supplies would likely cause oil prices to rise and hurt the Kremlin’s finances.

Since the Western nations set a price limit on Russia's crude oil to try and curb funds vital for its war against Ukraine, Russia relied on an ageing fleet of tankers that were based outside the West. They are also insured.

In an email to Reuters, Danish Foreign Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen said that Denmark had brought together a number of allied nations to evaluate measures against this shadow fleet.

He didn't say what measures he was considering.

Lokke Rasmussen stated that there is a broad consensus on the fact that the shadow fleet poses an international problem, and that solutions must be found internationally.

He added that it was important for any new measures to be implemented in the real world and adhere to international law.

The minister stated that other Baltic Sea countries and members of the European Union were also involved in the discussions.

Denmark is worried that old oil tankers passing through its straits could pose a danger to the environment.

The Russian embassy in Denmark has not responded to a comment request immediately.

Danish online and daily Information reported the news. Reporting by Louise Rasmussen, Editing by Terje Solsvik and Mark Potter