21 Jan 2025
OMSA's Aaron Smith Reflects on Offshore Wind Development Pause
The Offshore Marine Service Association (OMSA) views President Trump’s Presidential Memorandum to pause offshore wind development projects as a critical opportunity to reassess the industry’s direction.While offshore wind offers tremendous potential for economic growth and job creation in the U.S., OMSA agrees that over-reliance on foreign renewable energy companies, foreign vessels, and foreign mariners…
31 Mar 2021
US Jobs from US Offshore Energy: A Goal 44 Years in the Making
I have a good friend named John Guste. He and his wife grew up in the same neighborhood as my wife, they all went to college together, and now our kids are friends. As a doctor, I’m sure he has little concern with the messy, yet mundane, intricacies of offshore energy and maritime policy. You can imagine my surprise then when one night while I was reading the Congressional Record from 1977—I’m a blast at parties—to see John’s grandfather testifying before the U.S.
15 Jul 2019
OP/ED: Stronger Together
In 1941, geologist Orval Lester Brace stated “it may be tentatively assumed that the Gulf of Mexico is a potential source of salt-dome oil. Whether or not it will be economically feasible to explore these waters for the domes that must exist is a question for the future to answer.” The future hypothesized by Mr. Brace was not nearly as far off as it seemed. Less than six years after his proclamation…
06 Nov 2017
Op/Ed: Facts Do Matter - A Defense of the Jones Act
I recently read a story in The New Yorker – but that sounds more intellectual than what really happened, let me start over. I recently clicked a link on Facebook, which sought to explain why the term “Fake News” has become so popular. The article claimed that facts no longer matter to the average voter. As evidence (yes, the article explaining why facts don’t matter included evidence), it detailed a study whereby the subjects had been given false information…
24 Apr 2017
Op/Ed: CBP’S Lawful Jones Act Revocation
In 2009, the U.S. offshore marine sector received a long over-due indication that the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) was preparing to close loopholes and enforce U.S. law in accordance with the Jones Act. This happened when the agency unhesitatingly issued its first revocation of more than 20 letter rulings that were inconsistent with the U.S. law of the land – the Jones Act. Almost immediately there was an outcry from foreign interests who claimed…
21 Apr 2014
If You Have DPS Questions ... OSVDPA Has Answers
Over the past two years, the only constant in the dynamic positioning industry has been uncertainty. A new certification scheme, a long-awaited revision of the industry standard and threats of regulation continue to cause oscillating senses of hope and fear. As a result, the DP industry has a collective case of whiplash. However, even today few answers exist as to what direction the industry should take toward a worthwhile system of DPO certification.
08 Apr 2014
The Offshore Service Vessel Dynamic Positioning Authority
In a recent study, two groups were shown the same painting; one group was told it was painted in 1905, the other was told 2005. Not surprisingly, the first group…