Marine Link
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Bender Shipbuilding Proposal Selected For Maritech Fundin

Bender Shipbuilding & Repair Co., Inc.'s proposal "Reefer 21, a Small Reefer Ship for Worldwide Training" has been selected for funding under the Maritech program.

As part of the initiative for revitalizing the U.S. commercial shipbuilding industry, the Advanced Research Projects Agency solicited proposals for cost-shared projects under the Maritech Program, in collaboration with the Maritime Administration. "Reefer 21" is a design for a selfsustaining reefer ship with a 200,000-cu.-ft. capacity, capable of accommodating several different kinds of temperature-sensitive cargoes, providing more flexibility than conventionally-designed reefer ships. Bender's proposal was sub- mitted in response to Broad Agency Announcement 95-02 which invited proposals from U.S. shipyards. Among the factors weighed in the competition was the potential significance of the proposal to enhance U.S. commercial shipbuilding competitiveness by developing a ship design for international markets, and reducing ship design and construction time and cost.

Bender Shipbuilding & Repair Co., Inc. operates a full-service facility in Mobile, Ala., with extensive drydock and fabrication capabilities. For more information on Bender Shipbuilding Circle 133 on Reader Service Card

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