Marine Link
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

AWO Names Director of Safety And Responsible Carrier Program

The American Waterways Operators (AWO) named Capt. Robert L. Clinton, a 20-year veteran of the commercial tugboat industry, as its director of Safety and Responsible Carrier Program Implementation. In this position, he will oversee the association's marine safety initiatives, including the Responsible Carrier Program, created to encourage compliance with safety and environmental protection standards that exceed U.S. Coast Guard requirements.

Capt. Clinton has extensive experience in safety, training, vessel operations and facilities management. In the past, he was employed by Crowley Marine Services, managing various phases of the Oakland, Calif., company's operations, both aboard vessels and in a shoreside supervisory capacity. Capt. Clinton also worked as a captain and chief mate aboard tugboats calling at West Coast ports, and before entering the maritime industry, served four years in the U.S. Air Force as a law enforcement specialist.

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