WSC Welcomes Incoming EU Transport Commissioner

November 5, 2024

The designated European Commissioner for Sustainable Transport and Tourism, Apostolos Tzitzikostas, will play a pivotal role in securing supply chains and decarbonising the shipping sector, and the World Shipping Council (WSC) welcomes the opportunity to continue its dialogue with the EU Commission.

The WSC says Commissioner-designate Tzitzikostas’ list of priorities should include protecting maritime supply chains against illegal trafficking and geopolitical dangers, integrating renewable energy into the transportation system, streamlining customs and administrative processes, and promoting effective public-private partnerships.

Apostolos Tzitzikostas during the confirmation hearing 2024 © European Union, 2024 - EP
Apostolos Tzitzikostas during the confirmation hearing 2024 © European Union, 2024 - EP

In his introductory speech, Tzitzikostas said he will focus on enhancing the competitiveness of the EU’s transport sector, sticking to the agreed timetable for its green and digital transitions, completing the Trans-European Transport (TEN-T) network by the established deadlines, enhancing transport safety and ensuring the enforcement of current EU rules. To push for transport decarbonisation solutions, such as the production of sustainable fuels and the development of charging infrastructure, he committed to presenting a sustainable transport investment plan in 2025

The WSC is eager to collaborate with the new Commissioner on initiatives that enhance the security of European supply chains and the resilience of the shipping sector, to strengthen EU competitiveness. “We are confident that Commissioner designate Tzitzikostas will be instrumental in coordinating transportation, energy, and industry policies to promote sustainable shipping,” said WSC President and CEO Joe Kramek.

The WSC urges the EU to work constructively with IMO member states to ensure global greenhouse gas regulations that make it possible for green fuels to compete with fossil fuels.

The WSC is the united voice of liner shipping. Liner shipping companies – container and vehicle carriers – transport roughly two-thirds of the value of the EU’s seaborne trade by value. This represents over 100 million TEU of cargo annually, carried to Europe in high-capacity vessels.

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