Vessel Seized by Iran is Managed by MSC

April 14, 2024

MSC is the manager and commercial operator of a vessel seized on Saturday by Iranian authorities, international shipping company Zodiac Maritime said in a statement.

"MSC is responsible for all vessel activities including cargo operations and maintenance. Title to the vessel is held by Gortal Shipping Inc as financier, and she has been leased to MSC on a long-term basis. Gortal Shipping Inc is affiliated with Zodiac Maritime," said the company, partly owned by Israeli businessman Eyal Ofer.

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© angeldibilio / Adobe Stock

Iran's state news agency IRNA said on Saturday that its Revolutionary Guards had seized the MSC Aries vessel it said was "linked to Israel" and it was being transferred to Iran's territorial waters.

A Guards navy special forces helicopter boarded the Portuguese flagged vessel and seized it, IRNA added.

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has condemned the seizure of the MSC Aries and calls for the immediate release of the seafarers and the ship.

The vessel was seized at 06.37 UTC 13 April, 50 nautical miles north-east of Fujairah, United Arab Emirates.

Guy Platten, Secretary General of the International Chamber of Shipping commented: “Iran’s seizure of the MSC Aries is a flagrant breach of international law and an assault on freedom of navigation. This reprehensible attack against a merchant ship once again places innocent seafarers on the front lines of geopolitical conflict. Our thoughts are with the 25 Seafarers who are now captives of Iran, and with the families who are now in fear of their loved ones’ safety. Iran must release the ship as a matter of urgency.”

(Reuters and Maritime Reporter - Reuters reporting by Dubai Newsroom; Writing by Enas Alashray; Editing by Alex Richardson; Additional Reporting by Maayan Lubell)

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