Dutch Green Ports to be Model for Turkey

August 28, 2015

 Netherlands will be a model for Turkey’s ports within an environmentally-friendly Green Port implementation, says Daily News.

Port of Amsterdam and Dutch officials said that they were ready to boost ties with Turkey suring their visit to Istanbul, Marmara, Aegean, Mediterranean and Black Sea Regions (IMEAK) Chamber of Shipping branch in the Aegean province of İzmir.
IMEAK İzmir branch board chairman Yusuf Öztürk announced the work for the Green Port Project has resumed, while 17 ports, including Egeports in Kuşadası, have applied to receive a Green Port certificate.
Öztürk added Marport owned by Arkas Holding was the first to receive the certificate in Turkey.
Öztürk highlighted the Amsterdam and Rotterdam ports were also located in the city just like the Alsancak Port in İzmir, however the potential closure of these ports has never been brought to Netherland’s agenda, on the contrary, these ports have been growing every year with the support of new investments.
Dutch Green Port Consultancy Company STC-Nestra B.V. partner Rene Meeuws, on the other hand, added that even if the Green Port concept was costly, it survived with the interest of the public, which attracted new investments.

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