Training for L. American Maritime Leaders
A regional workshop organized by International Maritime Organization (IMO) has provided senior maritime administration officials in Latin America with the latest information on current and future developments at the Organization.
The workshop for the regional maritime authorities networks, ROCRAM and ROCRAM-CA was held at IMO Headquarters in London (26 November) in the margin of the 31st IMO Assembly.
The 28 participants received detailed information about the activities within the IMO's Integrated Technical Cooperation Program (ITCP) aimed at building capacity in the region to comply with international rules and standards related to maritime safety and the prevention of maritime pollution.
Participants also heard from technical officers on issues such as the IMO Audits Scheme. They also had a chance to ask questions on the outcomes of many IMO meetings of special interest to their regions.
The following countries attended: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, México, Nicaragua, Panamá, Perú, Uruguay, Venezuela, as well as by the SECROCRAM and COCATRAM Secretariats.
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