TOTE CEO Emphasizes Jones Act's Importance

April 11, 2024

The CEO of U.S. shipping and logistics company TOTE Group emphasized the importance of the Jones Act in supporting the American maritime industry and economy.

Speaking on the American Maritime Podcast, TOTE's CEO, Tim Nolan, said the Jones Act provides the organization with confidence and stability to invest in its fleet and the markets it serves.

(File photo: TOTE Maritime)
(File photo: TOTE Maritime)

TOTE's maritime business in 2015 launched the world's first containerships powered by liquefied natural gas (LNG), for service between Jacksonville, Fla. and San Juan, Puerto Rico. It later converted two existing RoRo vessels to run on LNG for service between Tacoma, Wash. and Anchorage, Alaska.

"These were significant investments that we made as a private organization into building new ships and converting existing ships. We knew that these ships will be around for the long term, and the Jones Act provides that stability," Nolan said. "Ultimately, what does that provide as well to the markets? It's stability, reliability."

"The service that is received on the Jones Act ships can rival any service in the world, whether it's at the terminals that we operate or on the ships that we utilize," Nolan said.

Watch the podcast interview below for more of Nolan's comments on the Jones Act, as well as TOTE's investments in LNG bunkering and involvement in the National Security Multi-Mission Vessel (NSMV) construction program, among other topics.

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