Tech File: Gilkes Dual Circuit Pump System
A growing list of engine manufactures are opting to switch from a two-pump high and low temperature arrangement to a single Gilkes pump design, the pump manufacturer reports.
Gilkes has provided designs for both new engine platforms and upgrading existing cooling circuits for the last 15 years, with a product development cycle that allows engine manufacturers to tailor every aspect of the design to meet ever-changing technical requirements.
The latest simulation software allows Gilkes to develop solutions for some of the most complex of space envelopes and duty requirements, while also maximizing performance.
The Gilkes solutions aims to achieve:
- Simplify engine design and construction
- Reduce accessory drive equipment allowing greater PTO flexibility and availability
- Reduce engine circuit pipework improving engine aesthetics and footprints.
- Reduce parasitic load on engine increasing efficiency and fuel economy.
- Maximize reliability through robust design evolution.
- Reduce costs through product amalgamation.
Image courtesy Gilkes