Peace Boat Ecoship: ‘World’s Most Sustainable Cruise Ship’

May 11, 2016

The Peace Boat Ecoship’s propulsion features a combination of wind energy, anti-drag elements and cleaner fuels. The concept will be presented at the Natural Propulsion seminar by Dr. Andrés Molina, Project Director of the Ecoship Project.
“The Ecoship’s propulsion system will combine some of the most forward-looking elements that the industry has developed and, without any doubt, break new ground in how natural propulsion is perceived in cruising,” Molina said.
Image: Peace Boat
Image: Peace Boat
The Peace Boat Ecoship Project is a transformational program that aims to ultimately construct the planet’s most sustainable cruise ship, an oceangoing 55,000 GT vessel with a passenger capacity of 2,000. Inspired by nature in its design and technology, its eco-features combine energy efficiency and the use of renewable technology.
The design of the Ecoship has been developed by a team of more than 30 engineers, scientists and thinkers from the fields of shipbuilding and eco-technology, including renewable energy, architecture, biophilia and waste management. Its designers is estimate that, cumulatively, the ship could achieve 20 percent cuts in propulsion energy, 50 percent cuts in electricity load and a 40 percent reduction in CO2 emissions in comparison with similar ships built before 2000.
Brainchild of Peace Boat, a Japan-based NGO that has been running educational voyages for peace and sustainability since 1983, the Ecoship will also embody sustainability efforts through its activities. It will sail for Peace Boat’s around the world educational voyages carrying 6,000 people per year; host exhibitions of green technology in up to 1,000 ports annually; and serve as a floating sustainability laboratory able to contribute to research on the ocean, climate and green marine tech.  
“Peace Boat’s 2020 launch of the Ecoship offers a vision for a climate-friendly future and can lead the way towards a green cruising model that can also impact the wider shipping industry. The industry must adapt to the planet’s needs,” said Yoshioka Tatsuya, Founder and Director of Peace Boat.

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