Strela Shiprepair Docks "Stubnitz"
A historically unique ship arrived at the Strela Shiprepair Yard in Stralsund on Monday, July 8, 2024. The former refrigeration and transport ship (KTS) "Stubnitz", which was part of the GDR deep-sea fishing fleet until October 1990, is docked at the shipyard. It is undergoing extensive overhaul and maintenance this month. Once the work has been completed, the ship will receive its 12th classification, which authorizes it to sail for a further five years.
The ship, which is operated by the sponsoring organization Denkmal- und Kulturschiff Stubnitz e.V., had set course for Stralsund two days earlier from its current home port of Hamburg. For the former refrigeration and transport ship, this trip is a journey into the past. The approximately 80 meters long "Stubnitz" was launched at the Volkswerft shipyard on the Strelasund in 1964 and put into service the following year. Only a second unit of this type of ship was also built at the Volkswerft shipyard, the sister ship "Granitz". At the Strela Shiprepair Yard, which is located on the grounds of the Volkswerft Maritime Industrial and Commercial Park, conservation and outboard work is carried out, the controllable pitch propeller system is overhauled and shipboard cranes and anchor chains are maintained, among other things.
After the shipyard period, the culture ship will be moved to Stralsund's city harbour. On board, residents and guests can find out about the history of the "Stubnitz" and use the catering facilities and event rooms. "With the 'Stubnitz', a true Stralsund native is coming to visit her hometown. The 60-year-old fishing vessel, which was built at our Volkswerft shipyard, is celebrating her birthday with exhibitions, parties, concerts and an open deck right on Schwedenkai," says Stralsund's Lord Mayor Alexander Badrow, looking forward to the next maritime highlight on the Strelasund.
With the "Stubnitz", 24 ships have already been docked at Strela Shiprepair Yard since the beginning of 2024. These include coasters, workboats, offshore vessels as well as specialised and passenger ships. The successful trend from the previous year has thus continued with a total of 40 docked units. Thanks to the ship repair capacities available at the Stralsund maritime business park, Strela Shiprepair is now one of the largest shipyards in this sector on the German coast.

Photo Courtesy HansePhotoStralsund/Fraede