Shoei Kisen Kaisha ink deal for Fleetwide install of NavFleet

September 15, 2022

NAVTOR secured an agreement with Shoei Kisen Kaisha, Ltd., one of Japan’s largest shipowners and managers, to deliver the NavFleet application across itsfleet of managed vessels. 

Shoei Kisen, a part of Imabari Shipbuilding, Japan’s largest shipbuilder, will introduce NavFleet to the existing NAVTOR digital ecosystem onboard its bulk carriers and container ships. This integrated system includes the NavStation digital chart table software (with automated Passage Planning), NavBox, a certified cyber secure gateway for seamless data transfer, and NavCloud cloud computing services.

Shoei Kisen Kaisha - one of Japan’s
Shoei Kisen Kaisha - one of Japan’s largest shipowners and managers. Image courtesy Shoei Kisen Kaisha/NAVTOR

According to Hiroaki Kitano, NAVTOR Japan Managing Director, this is a “ landmark contract” for both his business and the client. “NavFleet was launched last year as a key enabler in our mission to make maritime operations simpler, safer, more efficient and increasingly sustainable for our customers,” he said. “As a single, secure, scalable and fully integrated digital platform it works to bridge the gap between vessels and land-based management teams, seamlessly sharing real-time data for complete situational awareness and improved decision making.

Hiroaki Kitano, NAVTOR Japan Managing Director. Photo coutesy NAVTOR

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