Shipowner Spliethoff, AEGIR‐Marine Partner on Fleet Stern Tube Service

February 9, 2022

Dutch shipowner Spliethoff and AEGIRMarine signed an agreement for the supply the stern tube sealing parts and services for Spliethoff’s fleet.

According to its website, Spliethoff is a century-old company that operates a fleet of more than 50 Dutch flagged, 1A ice-classed, multipurpose vessels, ranging from 12,000 to 23,000 DWT.

Joris Bongarts and Ton Schouten ‐
Joris Bongarts and Ton Schouten ‐ Spliethoff; Tom Faassen and Stijn Engelage ‐ AEGIR‐Marine. Photo courtesy AEGIR-Marine

AEGIR‐Marine is a service‐centric stern tube seal producer and service provider. "With our seven regional offices, our service engineers are always close to the action and ready to attend any dry dock within the required time frame,” said Tom Faassen, AEGIR‐Marine.

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