SSI Releases ShipConstructor 2015, PublisherLT

September 4, 2014

Image: SSI
Image: SSI

SSI announced the launch of two new offerings: ShipConstructor 2015 and PublisherLT  for the EnterprisePlatform.

ShipConstructor 2015
The release of ShipConstructor 2015 CAD/CAM software is a key part of SSI's new plan to increase flexibility, security, convenience and simplicity for its clients in the shipbuilding and offshore markets, the company said.

According to SSI, ShipConstructor 2015 contains a significant augmentation that will immediately be of benefit: the addition of several new catalogs. These catalogs will help users quickly and accurately model components to correct specifications, increasing productivity and quality; both significant concerns of management and employees downstream in production. These catalog additions and changes include the following XML standard templates: PipeCatalog-ASME-CarbonSteel.XML, ImperialWeldStandards.XML and  MetricWeldStandards.XML.

Of particular note are the details related to the addition of the catalog for ASME Carbon Steel Pipe. It covers the standardization of dimensions of welded and seamless wrought steel pipe for high and low temperatures and pressures. The catalog contains a wide range of schedule 40/80 carbon steel pipes, elbows, tees, caps, connectors, crosses and reducers from the ASME B 16.11, 16.5, 16.9 and 36.10 standards. It also includes a set of end treatments (flanges, butt welds, saddles, socket welds, sockolets and plain), including flanges and couplings from Class 150 and 300.

A new capability of ShipConstructor 2015 is its integration with SSI's new EnterprisePlatform line of products. SSI EnterprisePlatform enables the enormous wealth of engineering information available in a product data model such as the ShipConstructor Marine Information Model (MIM), to be efficiently shared with, and easily accessed by, multiple individuals, software applications and production equipment utilized in the shipbuilding process. This includes people, programs and processes outside of the Engineering Department. The SSI EnterprisePlatform generates information in the correct format and representation needed for varying use cases and brings a product-focused approach to enterprise-wide availability of engineering data that is cost-effective, scalable, configurable, consistent, and transparent. PublisherLT is the first in the SSI EnterprisePlatform line of products and it is being released at the same time as ShipConstructor 2015.

SSI has modernized the licensing technology for ShipConstructor 2015. This means that it will utilize purely software-based licensing rather than hardware locks/licenses. The advantages of this newer technology are faster turnaround time for replacement of corrupted files; state-of-the-art encryption and piracy protection and capability for future support of some of the latest licensing capabilities: roaming licensing and the management of roaming licenses, fallback/failsafe/redundant servers and check-in and check-out of licenses.

EnterprisePlatform PublisherLT
Highly skilled naval architects, marine engineers and draftsmen should be focused on tasks where they can add maximum value consistent with their training and expertise: designing, engineering and drafting. Spending large amounts of time finding, formatting and exporting information for use in engineering or for other departments is not an efficient use of valuable human resources. To solve this problem, SSI has introduced PublisherLT, the first application in its new line of EnterprisePlatform software products.

PublisherLT eliminates much of the error prone, repetitive, time consuming, and manual process that keeps highly skilled individuals away from doing their true jobs.

PublisherLT lets users gather, convert and manipulate information directly from the product data model (for ShipConstructor clients this is the ShipConstructor Marine Information Model or MIM) and save it to another location. And it does this in a centralized fashion (from one user interface) that is independent of the CAD/CAM application - ShipConstructor.

SSI said PublisherLT increases efficiency in two key ways.

First, it quickly and easily finds information. This is important because normally, it can take quite valuable time for a user to locate the required information in the product model. The ShipConstructor Marine Information Model is no exception. Finding and opening a set of drawings, and then exporting the required data is error prone and time consuming. PublisherLT allows a user to load information, drawings, assemblies, parts, spools and more by specified criteria. This eliminates the time required to navigate the MIM to find each and every item.

Secondly, it automates repetitive work. As with any data rich shipbuilding CAD program, there are many repetitive tasks involved with gathering information in ShipConstructor and AutoCAD such as opening a drawing and exporting an AutoCAD table, or exporting to plain DWG, or plotting to PNG, or PDF (and many, many, more). In these cases, the user would normally open the drawing and run the appropriate command with the correct options and then continue for all of the other drawings that require processing. PublisherLT locates the required information or drawing, accesses it, and runs the required commands with specified options, and then carries on to the next task with no input from the user. This saves the user significant time and also eliminates errors that normally result from repetitive tasks. It is easy to configure PublisherLT and from then on, running it is as simple as a press of a button.

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