98,000 dwt Semisubmersible Delivered

December 12, 2016

China’s COSCO Shipping Specialized Carriers Co. Ltd. has taken delivery of its newest semisubmersible vessel, the 98,000 dwt Xin Guang Hua – the largest of the COSCO semisub fleet and reportedly second largest in the world.

Large enough to transport fully integrated offshore floating production units weighing up to 85,000 tons, the m/v Xin Guang Hua was purpose built and delivered from the COMEC shipyard in Guangzhou. The vessel features an unobstructed deck space of up to 211m by 68m and is fully redundant including industry leading DP2 systems.
The m/v Xin Guang Hua has already secured multiple contracts including Shell’s Appomattox hull, which will be transported from South Korea to Ingleside, Texas in 2017.
“Despite an overall weak market due primarily to low oil prices, COSCO is encouraged by the reception this vessel has received by the market,” said Captain Han Guo Min, CEO of COSCO Shipping Specialized Carriers Co. Ltd in Guangzhou. 
COSCO Heavy Transport, with locations in Houston and Rotterdam, is responsible for the marketing, project management, and engineering for COSCO’s semisubmersible fleet.

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