Spill Secured in Bayou Perot

January 26, 2007

In the multi agency response and investigation surrounding a spill of medium crude from a damaged wellhead in Bayou Perot, La., the Coast Guard reported that the discharge was stopped and the well was secured.

To date 49,000 ft. of oil containment boom have been deployed and more than 61,000 gallons of emulsified oil and water waste have been collected. The operator of the well, ExPert Oil & Gas, continues to offer a $35,000 reward for information directly resulting in the identification (as determined by the operator) of the person or persons responsible for damaging the wellhead.

The oil spill was discovered during the early morning hours 1/21/07 near mile marker 20 of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway. The Coast Guard, in conjunction with ExPert Oil & Gas, Environmental Safety & Health (ES&H), and other federal, state & local agencies have come together to respond to the spill. The Coast Guard's investigation into the cause continues.

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