Damen Delivers Tug for Scrabster Harbor

November 10, 2014

Stan Tug 1606, Highlanders
Stan Tug 1606, Highlanders

Scrabster Harbor Trust (UK) has taken delivery of a new harbor tug / workboat, a Damen Stan Tug 1606. The vessel, named Highlanders, will replace itscurrent workboat which was built in 1976. The new tug will undertake pilotage, towing, general harbour and maintenance duties.

Scrabster Harbour in northern Scotland is attracting much larger vessels and cargoes in need of larger tugs for their assistance.

The steel hulled, twin screw vessel has a 16 ton bollard pull, and is also equipped with a dredging plough and A-frame for lifting. The fast delivery of the vessel, facilitated by Damen’s availability of stock vessels, combined with their reputation of reliability, contributed to the choice of vessel.

The acquisition was assisted by funding support from the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority.    

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