FPSO Newbuild Shipped to Rotterdam

April 13, 2017

 The team of Vuyk Engineering Rotterdam BV has welcomed the semi-submersible heavy transport vessel Xin Guang Hua owned by Cosco Shipping to the port of Rotterdam, where she will unload the Western Isle FPSO.

The vessel has been built by Guangzhou Shipyard International (GSI) in China and is currently the second-largest vessel in the market with a deadweight of 98,000 metric tons.
Jan Willem Verweij and Gert Zwart welcoming the XIN GUANG HUA to the Caland Canal in Rotterdam. (Photo: Royal IHC)
Jan Willem Verweij and Gert Zwart welcoming the XIN GUANG HUA to the Caland Canal in Rotterdam. (Photo: Royal IHC)
The development of this new flagship of the heavy transport division of Cosco Shipping is the result of a cooperation between Cosco, GSI and Vuyk. The three companies already share a long history, which began with the development of Cosco’s K-class vessels in 1997.

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