Ocean Signal Debuts RescueME EPIRB1

November 19, 2014

The rescueME EPIRB1 has been developed by Ocean Signal. Featuring a 30% reduction in size compared to other EPIRBs, a 10-year battery life and a retail price that makes it one of the most affordable Class 2 GPS EPIRBs in the market, the rescueME EPIRB1 provides the boat’s essential link to emergency services. The new rescueME EPIRB1 measures just 178mm (height with antenna stowed) by 89mm and weighs 422g.

The EPIRB1 is designed to be automatically activated once the unit has been immersed in water. Due to its small size, the EPIRB1 can be safely placed within a grab bag or mounted within its manual release bracket.
The Ocean Signal rescueME EPIRB1 communicates the location of a survivor to search and rescue services in three ways – the designated 406MHz Cospas-Sarsat satellite system with position provided by an integrated 66-channel GPS receiver, a 121.5MHz homing beacon, plus two high brightness strobes to maximise visibility in low light conditions. The price of the rescueME EPIRB1 is £309 +VAT.

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