German Shipyard FSG Re-organizes Top Management

August 22, 2014

Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft (FSG) says it will be headed by a new management team from January 1st 2015, details as follows:

Current Chief Technology Officer Frank Bywater will be joined by Markus Bartsch as new Chief Executive Officer. Current CEO Peter Sierk will take over the management of FSG parent company NSH (Nord- deutsche Schiffbau-Holding) and as a result take responsibility for overall strategy as Chairman at FSG.

“Over the past two years we have seen how the switch from series to special ship buil- ding at our yard has brought with it an enormous new set of demands”, says Peter Sierk. “Contracts are getting more complex and processes more multi-layered. If we now say that our 750 employees have to adapt and optimise then it stands to reason of course that the same has to apply to the management”.

He adds that, because of this, a decision was taken with the yard’s managing partners at the start of the year to broaden management, create additional areas of competence and spread the overall burden of responsibility across a number of shoulders.

“In spring we were able to win Frank Bywater for the yard – an internationally recognised and established shipbuilding expert – and in Markus Bartsch we are in addition now gaining an engineering expert whose reputation is just as great”, Sierk says.

"The planned restructuring of management will be completed in January 2015. “We will strengthen the entire concern as a result and, together, jointly ensure that the shipbuilders of Flensburg will continue to operate with success on the global market."

About Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft (FSG):
FSG has sold, designed and built more than 760 ships in 143 years. For 14 of those years it has been the world’s leader in the building of RoRo ships, cementing this position recently with an order for the construction of the world’s first RoRo ferry with LNG propulsion. For several years the yard has concentrated on the promising offshore market and has succeeded in booking international orders for heavy load transport ships, seismic research ships and well intervention vessels.

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