$179M in Port Grants Released

December 10, 2003

442 projects to receive funds for security enhancements

Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge announced $179,025,900 million dollars in Port Security Grants on December 10. The Port Security Grant Program provides resources for security planning and projects to improve dockside and perimeter security. This grant program represents one layer of the Department of Homeland Security’s system of defenses for ports that includes monitoring the people, cargo and vessels entering our ports from the time they leave a foreign port to the time they arrive in the United States. "The Department of Homeland Security is committed to further securing our nation’s highways, mass transit systems, railways, waterways and pipelines, each of which is critical to ensuring the freedom of mobility and economic growth," said Secretary Ridge. "These projects are critical to the mission of securing our ports." The Transportation Security Administration, the United States Coast Guard and the Department of Transportation’s Maritime Administration evaluated the Port Security Grant Applications and selected the grant award recipients. The latest round of grants has been awarded to 442 projects in 326 locations to 235 applicant organizations from across the nation. "The Department is committed to improving security at our maritime facilities, and we know that our ports are not secured from Washington. In addition to these awards totaling $179 million, the Department of Homeland Security also awarded $170 million from the FY’03 budget from the Port Security Grant Program in June and $75 million in port security grants for specific projects from the FY ’03 Supplemental Budget from the Office for Domestic Preparedness in May 2003.

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