Capsized Cargo Ship Refloated in Sweden

March 22, 2017

Ardent salvage crews used a parbuckling method to right and refloat the cargo vessel, M/V Sternö, which was loaded with 1,400 tons of grain when it suffered a collision and rested on a jetty structure with a 54-degree list.
Ardent crews were mobilized in late February 2017, completed the operation and delivered the vessel on March 22.
(Photo: Ardent)
Ardent salvage crews prepare to parbuckle the M/V Sternö (Photo: Ardent)
Ardent salvage crews parbuckled the M/V Sterno to an 11-degree list, and commenced lightering operations. (Photo: Ardent)
(Photo: Ardent)
The Storno delivered by the Svitzer Bob and Svitzer Bonden from Lila Edet to Gothenberg, Sweden. (Photo: Ardent)
(Photo: Ardent)
Ardent salvage crews prepare to parbuckle the M/V Sternö (Photo: Ardent)
Ardent salvage crews parbuckled the M/V Sterno to an 11-degree list, and commenced lightering operations. (Photo: Ardent)
(Photo: Ardent)
The Storno delivered by the Svitzer Bob and Svitzer Bonden from Lila Edet to Gothenberg, Sweden. (Photo: Ardent)
“We mobilized salvage craft and equipment, connected three strand jacks to bollards on the opposite side of the river to parbuckle the vessel,” said Johan Foks, Ardent Salvage Master. “There were a lot of elements that we had to battle. The icy weather and the traffic on an active ship channel were big considerations.”
“The parbuckle operation corrected the list to 11 degrees, and then we lightered the cargo for the refloating operation,” said Rob Rutten Ardent’s Naval Architect for the M/V Sternö. “Once we pumped the water out of the engine room and holds, the vessel refloated and was stabilized at a four degree list. We maneuvered the vessel through the locks and moored it quay-side for remaining cargo discharge. The vessel was at a two degree list once we were finished.”
By March 22, the vessel was towed by the Svitzer Bob and Svitzer Bonden from Lila Edet to Gothenberg, Sweden.
Ardent simultaneously refloated the M/V Skagern with a separate team, 7.5km upstream from the M/V Sternö on the river Göta älv on March 9.

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