Floating Production: What’s New in January?

January 9, 2015

2014 Floater Orders – We thought it would be useful to provide a summary of floater orders placed last year. As listed below, 25 units were ordered during the year - 10 FPSOs, one Barge, four FLNGs, seven FSRUs and three FSOs. 
FPSOs (10)
Photo: Petrobras
Photo: Petrobras
Kaombo CLM
Kaombo GGC
Deep Producer 1
Armada Ali
Libra EWT
Madura BD
Front Puffin
Tartaruga MV 28 
Petrojarl 1
Production Barge (1)
Jangkrit Barge
FLNGs (4)
Exmar Spec LNG Barge
FSRUs (7)
Krishna Godavari Regas Barge
Exmar Regas Barge Spec 
Hoegh Gallant
Moheshkhali Island
Jebal Ali #2
Hoegh Cartagena
Hoegh Speculative
FSOs (3)
Nong Yao 
Rubicon Vantage 
Fois Nautica Tembikai 
2015 Outlook for Floater Orders – The drop in oil/gas prices and ongoing implosion in Petrobras have combined to create a perfect storm in the deepwater sector. More than 170 projects involving oil production floaters and 35 floating liquefaction projects are in the planning stage. But some investment decisions are now being deferred until pricing rebounds – and the deteriorating situation in Petrobras is impacting its ability to order new FPSOs. 
The January issue of our Floating Production Systems report will have a special analysis of likely production floater orders in 2015. It will be a totally objective assessment of the near term market – taking into account the dramatic drop in oil and gas prices on deepwater investment decisions and the deteriorating Petrobras situation. I think you will find the analysis useful in your business planning activities.
World Energy Reports and Database – WER provides a business intelligence service in the floating production sector. Each month WER publishes Floating Production Systems – Projects in the Planning Stage, Units on Order, Installed Systems and Available Units, an on-line 85 to 150 page report with information and analysis need to remain in contact with development in the sector. 
WER also has developed an on-line searchable floating production database containing information on planned floater projects, floating production system orders and installations currently in service. There is nothing like this database elsewhere.
For more information, please see https://www.worldenergyreports.com/reports
About Jim McCaul
Jim is the founder and manager of IMA, a consulting firm providing market analysis, competitive benchmarking and business planning support in the maritime and offshore sectors. Over the past 40 years IMA has performed more than 350 business consulting assignments for 170+ clients in 40+ countries. 
One of the firm’s specialties is analyzing requirements for floating production systems. IMA has published more than 50 reports since 1996 analyzing this business sector and has been engaged by numerous clients to assist in analyzing specific market opportunities in the floating production sector. Please visit www.imastudies.com for more information on IMA. 
Jim is also the co-founder of World Energy Reports, a New York based business intelligence service for the floating production industry. Please visit https://www.worldenergyreports.com/reports for more information about the new business intelligence service.

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