Polembros Shipping to Trial Starlink LEO

May 26, 2023

Marlink will install the Starlink LEO service for Athens-based ship manager Polembros Shipping, aimed at helping Polembros to extend its digital toolset to include the new LEO service to support crew welfare and remote technology.

Polembros is already a user of Marlink’s hybrid network, including VSAT services across its fleet. The deployment of the SeaLink NextGen service is designed to provide faster throughput and lower latency to the company’s business and crew communications.

Image courtesy Polembros Shipping
Image courtesy Polembros Shipping

Sealink NextGen combines GEO VSAT and MSS back-up with customers’ required mix of LEO or MEO connectivity, 5G and digital solutions, all controlled and managed via Marlink’s platform XChange.

Polembros Shipping has been in existence since 1974, though the shareholders’ family traces its shipping connections back to the 19th century. 

The company currently manages a fleet of Aframax and Suezmax tankers and sister operation Polembros Bulkers manages vessels ranging in size from Handysize to Newcastlemax.

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