NMRA Extends 2014 Scholarship Opportunities
The National Marine Representatives Association (NMRA) is offering scholarships to students pursuing education and training in the maritime trades. Interested high school seniors and college students can request an application from NMRA at info@nmraonline.org.
NMRA will award two $500 scholarships to outstanding students seeking careers in marine-related fields. Applications are due on May 1, 2014, and winners will be announced in the summer. High schools, colleges and trade schools wishing to promote this resource with their students can contact NMRA for more information.

A professional organization founded in 1960, NMRA serves independent sales representatives and the manufacturers who sell through representatives. "Our group is dedicated to promoting and supporting the marine trade," said Ken Smaga, NMRA president. "It's important to nurture and support excellence in the individuals who will soon enter the field. They represent the future of our industry."
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